Watch the Video to Learn What This Course Will Do for You!

Ever wonder why some folks seem to glide through life, while others feel like they're wading through molasses? Watch this video to learn why - and how you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start enjoying life again!

Learn the habits you need to get through tough days in one piece, and enjoy life for a change!

Working moms get a lot of stress. Not only do we have to perform well at our jobs, but there are errands, meals, chores, and the kids and their schedules to think about.

It's so easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated! We all just want to feel good for a change, right?

That's why you need to learn Happiness Habits. You'll create the habits you need to:

  • Get through tough days in one piece, and wake up happy in the morning.
  • Be an outstanding role model for your kids, showing them how to deal with stress and be happy, too!
  • Improve relationships.
  • You'll find more satisfaction at work.
  • You'll improve your self-confidence and self-worth.

You can get all this and more for only $49.99.

Get the Tools You Need to Change Your Life.

Learn from the Best: Susan Petang

Susan Petang is a Certified Stress Management Coach, who specializes in teaching women how to create habits that beat stress and burnout. She specializes in showing working moms how to get through tough days in one piece, no matter what's happening. 

She's been a Certified Life Coach since 2017, but has over 30 years of experience coaching others in the corporate world as a trainer, coach, manager, and mentor, helping others become the best they can possibly be.

After creating - and living! - her program, she overcame her own anxiety and depression when nothing else worked. Now she uses the Happiness Habits Program to help other women not only stop feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, but also start waking up happy in the morning again.

Author of two books on managing stress, she's also a member of the National Association of Divorce Professionals and the selected Stress Management Expert on